Aveline S/4 Goblets 280ml
Aveline S/4 Goblets 280ml
Diagonal ridging wraps itself around the Aveline glassware creating a mesmerising visual and tactile effect. The fine rims are balanced by low, decorative bases and stems, while the overall collection has a light, airy feeling in a honeyed Marigold tone.
Features & Care:
- Handmade from Sodalime Glass.
- This item comes in a coloured gift-box for easy gifting.
- Dishwasher Safe.
- Length: 8.5cm
- Width: 8.5cm
- Height: 14.5cm
Features & Care:
- Handmade from Sodalime Glass.
- This item comes in a coloured gift-box for easy gifting.
- Dishwasher Safe.
- Length: 8.5cm
- Width: 8.5cm
- Height: 14.5cm
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